8 Facts About Rare Breeds of Domestic Shorthair Cats

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British Shorthair Cat

When classifying a breed of cat, researchers divided them into two groups, Shorthair cats and Longhair cats. As the name suggests, they are differentiated concerning the length of the hair of their fur coats. Shorthairs are also called by different names, such as tomcat, alley cats, etc. Shorthair cats are the most popular breed out there because of the following facts:

 1. They Are Very Low Maintenance

Shorthair Cats, unlike other breeds, are very easily managed. They do not shed many furs, nor do they secrete a lot of salivae that may stick to their furs and make a mess. They have to groom themselves less because the short hair on their coats gets cleaned easily and does not become dirty quickly.

So if you’re a person with a busy schedule and don’t have the time for grooming and pampering your cat, then a Shorthair breed cat is the one for you!

This is also why these cats are sought after by small families with little children, so that if the cat ends up in the middle of a daycare warzone, it may not take a long while to get it cleaned up, hence easing the burden on everyone.

2. Despite Being Biologically Dissimilar, Their Characteristic Are Pretty Much the Same

All Shorthairs are known for their easy-going nature and calm attitude towards any situation; they are very friendly and easily trained. They love playing with children and are known to be very sneaky animals; you may find one hiding in the most peculiar of places, such as a cupboard or a drawer.

Shorthairs also have one behavior in common, when you pick a shorthair cat and bring them home, you do not adopt them; they adopt you. You can tell by the change in behavior they go through when you first bring them home, and then a few weeks later; it may astonish you at how much used they have become with you and how comfortable and safe they feel when they are around you. And you feel safe and comfortable in their presence in return, like an endless circle of love and adoration.

3. They Are the Best Companion to Have At Home

This is not only due to their behavior but their surprisingly long lifespans. A Shorthair cat is known to live up to 15 years; that is the age of 76 in cat years! Children are known to love a shorthair cat because of its playful nature, especially. If you plan on getting the best buddy for your child on their next birthday, then it’d be best to recommend getting a shorthair cat since they may end up becoming a very important part of your child’s life.

Research also shows that people who own pets are more compassionate towards other people and other pets, and they end up being better parents than people who didn’t own a pet when they were little. So, in a way, cats teach us how to be more human.

4. Not Every Shorthair Cat Is The Same

Each breed has temperamental tendencies that may vary from a cat running away to hide under the bed when they see a stranger in their home or a cat that comes and lies down at the feet of someone and starts purring. But due to centuries of domestication, these cats have become very comfortable around humans, and some can’t survive without them.

5. They have Impeccable Mental Prowess

Shorthairs are known to be one of the most intelligent breeds of cats out there. They can start to recognize their names in a matter of days. They also have very sharp reflexes; they can immediately notice anything that moves. They also have very long attention spans to stay focused on a single task for a long time, which brings me to my next point.

6. They Are Excellent Hunters

A Shorthair cat has the stealth of a panther, the focus of a cheetah, the strength of a lion, and the ferocity of a tiger. They can catch any prey that they set their sights on. They are extremely successful at catching vermin such as mice and are very sought-after breeds by farmers since they help drastically reduce rodent populations that destroy crops on farms.

7. They Are Known To Be Very Active Animals

Aside from hunting mice, Shorthairs need to remain active; they should play and run around the house and climb furniture all day. Although they are docile creatures and spend most of their day sleeping, they love to jump around and about when they are awake.

Shorthairs are known to spend most of their time outside hunting, hope that whatever they hunt is not brought back into the house. But sometimes these cats can’t help themselves and bring back a mouse for you to eat, to show how much they love you, and in a way, that sort of behavior should be highly appreciated.

8. Their Names Are Not Derived From Their Personalities

Yes, you read that correctly. A Shorthair cat is named according to the patterns on its fur. This is because every Shorthair cat has different parentage, different gene groups, and different genetic makeup. In fact, in a litter of shorthair kittens, each kitten may end up having different fur markings or patterns that may match with either the father or mother or both.


The compassionate nature of these shorthair cats teaches us a lot about how humans can feel and handle emotions. These cats may be one of the most intelligent animals out there, and some of them are closer to their owners’ hearts than most humans. Shorthairs are mostly docile animals, but that does not mean that they do not love to go outdoors; if you want your cat to be happy and healthy, you must let it go outdoors and explore its surroundings, no matter how uneasy you feel. Their instincts will always be there with them, and they will always find a way to exceed your expectations and surprise you.

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