A Guide About Kitten Dental Care Basics

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Kitten with a Toothbrush

Do I need to brush my cat’s teeth? Do cats need an oral health regimen? The answer to both these questions is yes! Cat and kitten teeth need to be cleaned regularly if you want to ensure that your feline stays healthy and fit. Our guide gives you some basics you need to know for starting your cat’s dental health routine.

Do kittens need to have their teeth looked after?

It is of paramount importance that you look after kitten teeth. As a responsible pet owner, it is your task to ensure that your kitten teeth are well-looked after. There are numerous reasons why we are stressing the importance of oral hygiene when it comes to kittens.

Firstly, cats and kittens cannot tell us verbally if they are suffering from any pain. This is why our job is to ensure that their teeth are clean to prevent any possible problems.

Secondly, and more importantly, problems with cat and kitten teeth are extremely prevalent. When felines eat, the food residue in their mouth tends to build up and produce bacteria. This bacteria can lead to inflammation and gum disease, and in extreme cases, it can even cause your kitten teeth to fall out.

Moreover, periodontal disease is one of the most common ailments that cats over three seem to face. Since it is such a prevalent problem, what can you do to prevent it?

How to clean my cat’s teeth?

Now, you must be wondering, “should I brush my cat’s teeth?” The answer to this is yes and no. You cannot exactly “brush” kitten teeth the way you brush your teeth. It is also extremely important to know that you can never use toothpaste made for humans on your kitten teeth. This is because cats are not used to such high levels of fluoride. Since felines do not know that they cannot ingest toothpaste, they can get seriously ill if they do so.

To clean kitten teeth, we recommend using gauze that is sterilized. If you feel as if the gauze is not working properly, you can use special rubber brushes designed specifically for cats. If you visit a pet store, you can easily find kits designed for cleaning kitten teeth. Do not use brushes designed for humans since these can be a bit too harsh on your feline’s gums. For optimum results, we would suggest daily brushing. However, if you cannot make the time for that, you can do it on alternate days.

What do a healthy feline’s teeth look like?

To check if your kitten teeth are in top order, there are a few things you should look out for. Firstly, your kitten’s teeth should be white. This does not mean that they should be tube light white! However, they should not be yellow or appear translucent. The next thing you should look out for is whether there is any swelling on your kitten’s gums.

Swelling could be the sign of some infection and could be causing your feline some pain as well. Moreover, a healthy cat’s mouth should not have any sores or lesions on the pallet or gum areas. If you see such things, we would suggest consulting a vet to recommend medication designed specifically for curing these ailments.

How do I get my kitten used to brushing?

Brushing kitten teeth can be a hard task. Cats can be very moody animals, which is why it will take some effort on your part to get them used to the process. To do this, we suggest cleaning your cat’s teeth from the day you obtain them. You should wear a single-finger glove or cot on the finger you put in your kitten’s mouth.

Then gently use your finger to clean out any leftover food or buildup. If you feel your kitten is acting up a bit, dip your finger in a cat of tuna before getting its scent over it. This will make your kitten more open to having your finger in its mouth. The glove will ensure that your finger does not get injured when brushing kitten teeth, and you can dispose of it easily to get rid of any germs.

Do Kittens teeth?

Kitten teeth have been present in the mouth of kittens since they are born. This could be because cats are wild animals, and from the day they are born, these kitten teeth help them catch and eat their prey. However, at about three weeks of age, kittens start teething in their unique way. Unlike human babies, the kitten teething process does not refer to new teeth coming into your kitten’s mouth, and it means that your kitten’s baby teeth fall out to be replaced by its stronger, adult teeth.

How do I maintain my cat’s oral hygiene without brushing?

Technically speaking, the best way to maintain your kitten teeth is to brush them regularly. However, there are other methods that you can use to supplement your cat’s oral hygiene. However, you must remember that none of these supplemental ways is a substitute for brushing itself!

Firstly, there are special cat treats that are available to maintain the health of kitten teeth. These treats have supplements, such as Vitamin E, which is generally good for teeth and gum health. They also give your cat good breath and prevent harmful chemicals from building up in their mouth.

Secondly, you could consult your vet about getting certain sprays for oral health. After every meal, you can spray this into your cat’s mouth to prevent bacteria from building up. While your cat may not like this at first, it can get used to it over time. Lastly, if you feel as if your kitten teeth are not looking too healthy, you could always visit the vet for specialized teeth cleaning. These cleanings are a little expensive and are performed under anesthesia.

However, if your cat is older, you may need to opt for these since their oral health deteriorates at a faster rate.

What can happen if I do not clean my cat’s teeth?

Not cleaning your cat’s teeth can seriously affect your feline’s overall health. This is because gum disease and toothaches can cause your cat pain and prevent them from eating properly. If your cat stops eating because it is in pain, it can suffer from malnutrition and other deficiencies, and this can reduce your beloved cat’s quality of life. We hope that our advice on how to clean and maintain your kitten teeth proves helpful for you. If you follow these tips, you can protect your feline from several oral health issues.

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