Normal vs Abnormal Cat Drooling

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Normal vs Abnormal Cat Drooling

Drooling is considered a common activity in dogs. But like dogs, cats also drool in some conditions. Some cats show their happiness or nervousness by drooling. As a cat owner, you might have observed this behavior in your cat, and most importantly, you need to know the reason behind it.

Some of the reasons behind the drooling of cats are as follows:

  • When your cat shows irritation toward the wash.
  • Emotional stimuli, when your cat looks upset.
  • Some pathologic conditions such as pain or difficulty in swallowing.

In this article, we will detail what causes your cat to drool more excessively and how to prevent cat drooling.

Oral and Dental Disease

Cats may suffer from extreme illness or pain due to often undetected oral and dental diseases. This pain often leads the cat to salivate more often than usual. Some known causes, including gum disease, mouth ulcer, tooth injuries, infections, and resorptive lesions, keep the cats drooling.

In this condition, take your cat to the veterinarian when you see these signs in your cat. If the dental disease in a cat is examined, then your cat will need to undergo general anesthesia for professional dental cleaning with the help of tooth extractions. For addressing the cat’s mouth and dental issues, antibiotics may be necessary.

Normal Drooling

Drooling is considered a sign of contentment and relaxation in cats, and they drool when they are purring or massaging. Kittens, during nursing, often press their paws on their mother to stimulate milk release. This behavior shows the sign of comforting and nurturing the bond between mother and kitten.

When a cat becomes an adult cat, satisfaction often leads to kneading, which drools concerning nursing. Purring is often accompanied by kneading and drooling. If your cat sits on your lap and starts purring and drooling, which means that the cat is showing love to you, which is perfectly normal, and you don’t need to be surprised. You don’t need to worry about if your cat drools at the sight or smell of food. Like dogs, the cat also behaves like this in this condition, which is perfectly normal and sometimes happens.

If you are riding with your cat in a car, then you may have seen your cat drooling because stress or fear makes cats salivate more often. But if you see your cat regularly stressed, talking to your vet will sound like a good option. If the drooling and stress are short-lived and stop on their own, there is likely little cause for concern.

A cat is drooling out of his mouth

Abnormal Drooling

As a cat parent, you always take care of your cat’s healthy diet, and your cat more likely seems to enjoy it. But, if you see your cat constantly drooling, which is not associated with food contentment, then your cat may be suffering from ongoing health problems.

If your cat seems unhealthy, then she needs routine checkups by a veterinarian at least more than once a year because the vet can identify the problems before your cat shows signs. There are many factors due to which your cat drools; for this, you need to see a vegetarian immediately to examine several health issues.

Toxin Exposure

Excess salivation can develop in cats who have licked, eaten, or ingested a hazardous substance. 4 Poisonous flora, caustic chemicals, and hazardous foods are all examples of this. Drooling can also be caused by topical poisons, such as insecticides or flea and tick preventatives that are not intended for cats. Bring your cat to the nearest open veterinarian as soon as possible if you fear your cat has been exposed to something poisonous.

Before attempting to remove anything else from your cat’s mouth, continue with caution. You may not only injure your cat further, but you may also get bitten! It’s usually advisable to see a veterinarian if you have an oral foreign body.


Nausea and vomiting often make cats drool a lot. It is caused by some internal parasites, gastrointestinal conditions, or kidney disease. If your cat shows any of these signs, it would be best to consult the vet.

Professional veterinarians examine oral cavity of grey cat in clinic

Oral Injuries

Some injuries of the mouth often lead to cat drooling. Some cats often get into fights with other cats, or some cats get hit by a car, or sometimes cats chew electrical cords. These all reasons oral injuries cause drooling. Cats don’t show the signs of the mentioned injuries, but as a result, they drool. If you evidence any of these, then you should see a veterinarian.

A Foreign Body Swallowed

Sometimes a cat accidentally swallows something that gets stuck in its tongue, mouth, or back of the throat, such as any piece of bone or sharp grass blade. This causes pain in your cat’s mouth and leads her to drool to soothe the pain or remove the foreign body.

How to Prevent Excess Drooling In Cats

Following are some points from which you can take help and prevent excess salivation in your cat.

  • Take your cat to the vet for annual checkups to reduce ongoing drooling.
  • Keep your cat vaccinated; it also reduces the chance of illness.
  • Monitor your cat’s teeth and gums for a healthy mouth.
  • Keep your cat away from fighting with other outdoor cats.
  • Place the cat in a nearby room with treats and toys and introduce the cat to your pet carrier.
  • Add healthy food to your cat’s daily diet.


If your cat usually drools, but suddenly you start noticing some abnormal drooling excessively, then you need to pay more attention. You can witness this abnormal behavior by their drooping habit. You will need to take your cat vet to the veterinarian and report them with all the signs you see in your cat routine. When anything goes wrong with a pet cat, they always depend on you to look after them and solve their problems.