Can I Stop My Cat From Snoring?

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How to Stop a Snoring Cat

Have you ever noticed that cats snore like a human during their catnaps? Their snoring may be adorable but surely has left you wondering why your cat snores and whether it’s normal or not? Well, we all know that all cats like to sleep for hours, and they snore once in a while. But we also need to make sure if this snoring is a part of your cat’s daily sleep schedule or she is suffering from any illness.

In this article, we have covered various reasons your cat snores and how you can determine whether your cat snoring is normal or a sign of any serious problem. Moreover, it also covers guidelines about preventing your cat from snoring.

Why Do Cats Snore?

There are many reasons behind the snoring of cats. Just like humans, cats also go through the same sleep cycles. When a cat sleeps, its body is fully relaxed while in a deeper non-REM sleep cycle. If your cat has any health problems, she is more likely to snore during sleep. Before knowing the prevention tips for cat snoring, you first need to identify the causes behind it.

● It’s in Your Cat’s Genes

If your cat belongs to certain breeds such as Burmese, Persians, and Himalayan, they are especially prone to snoring. These breeds are known for having flat and smooshed-looking faces. They also have short nasal passages; due to these features, they develop some breathing problems, including snoring.

● Overweight

Cats who are overweight have a higher tendency to snore because extra fat deposited around their upper airways tissues make it harder for them to breathe. This is one of the reasons behind snoring, and you should prevent your cat from gaining too much weight.

● Sleep Position

Due to their flexibility, cats sleep in the most awkward positions, and these positions cause your cat to snore. When your cat shifts her position, the snoring sound will go away.

Gray cat sleeping curled up

● Allergies

If you see your cat wheezing, coughing, and vomiting more than usual, then it is a sign that your cat is suffering from some allergy problem. Due to these reasons, their nasal passages get blocked with mucus causing your cat to snore. In this condition, their snoring sound will be loud and congested.

● Respiratory Issues

We are more likely to snore when cold, and the same case goes for cats. Any respiratory illness such as asthma, bacterial or fungus infections all can lead your cat to snore. It will be best to take your cat to the veterinarian in these conditions.

● Serious Illness

Snoring is often considered a symptom of a respiratory disorder or chronic nasal inflammation. And these symptoms are accompanied by other illnesses such as coughing, panting, lethargy, and lack of appetite, which causes snoring issues in cats.

● Presence of Foreign Objects

When cats swallow some foreign objects, such as any piece of bone or a grass blade in the back of their mouth, this may cause snoring as well.

How to Prevent My Cat From Snoring

Snoring is normal in some cat breeds, while it can also signify any health issues in other breeds. For this, you will need to take your cat for annual veterinary visits.

1. Exercise

Exercise plays an important role in your cat’s development and healthy lifestyle. Take your cat with you for an outing and let her play with other cats; this contributes greatly to their stamina. You can play with your cat using a toy, use the wand toy and tie a feather wand or mouse on a string and start moving it like prey in front of your cat. In addition, provide your cat toys to play on their own such as motorized toys, ping pong balls, or catnip kicker toys. Rotary toys are a great idea in keeping your cat more interested and out of boredom.

2. Food Puzzles

There are many food puzzles available in the market for cats. These food puzzles prevent obesity and boredom in cats and allow them to eat more impulsively as they develop a hunger and hunt for their food. You can also do a food puzzle by yourself, make it according to your cat’s preference.

3. Provide Perches to Your Cat

Climbing is good for your cat’s balance and agility, as well as getting them to move about more. Additionally, perches allow your cats to spread out as they see fit. Cats like exploring vertical locations and having a high vantage point to see the world around them. Window perches, cat trees, and cat-friendly shelves are all great options for changing up your cat’s surroundings.

Bengal cat sleeping on a shelf

4. Adjust Their Sleeping Position

Cats don’t like getting disturbed during their sleep, but as we have discussed above, awkward sleep positions are the main reasons behind their snoring. Therefore, you need to adjust their sleep positions gently and carefully.

Adjust their head in a position where their neck should be straight, not strained. If you are aware of your cat’s favorite position, it will help you determine which position leads to snoring. Moreover, you can also invest in a larger cat bed, so they don’t cram themselves into a tiny area.

5. Annual Visits to Veterinary

For the health and happiness of your cat, it is essential to visit a veterinarian annually. Cats are both prey and predator animals, and this characteristic makes them experts in hiding their pain and illness. Visits to a veterinarian can keep you updated about your cat’s health, her weight, and other medical health issues, through which you can take preventive measures before your cat gets harmed by anything.


Many pet owners consider snoring a normal condition; however, it is also important to monitor the other signs of your cat’s health. If you notice some abnormal snoring habit in your cat, then we recommend you take her immediately to a veterinarian for a checkup. Because only by early diagnosis and treatment can you save your cat from more severe and irreversible health conditions.

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