6 Things to Know About the Munchkin Cat

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Munchkin Cat

Munchkin cats are very cute and extremely popular as pet animals. Cat lovers often being themselves smitten by this breed of cats. They are very friendly, adorable and it is an absolute pleasure to have them around. They serve to be amazing friends and companions of their humans.

If you live alone in the house, Munchkin cats will not let you feel lonely. Cats eventually become a part of your family, and a point comes when the house feels incomplete without their presence.

To keep your munchkin cat happy, it is important to understand them, and you must find about their likes and dislikes. Not knowing your cat and blindly assuming what is the best thing for them is the worst and the most common mistake many people make, which hinders developing a healthy and trusting relationship with their cat.

What Are Munchkin Cats Like

Every breed of cat is unique, and if you are planning to adopt or buy a particular breed, it is important to be well aware of the specific details about those felines. Munchkin cats are also known as sausage cats. This is because of their unique shape, size, and features. What makes them so different from other breeds of cats is their miniature size and small height. Munchkin cats have very short legs, and hence they are closer to the ground. They are also known as dwarf cats, which aptly fits the way they look. So when you see any adult size cat in a kitten’s sized body, you should know that it belongs to the Munchkin breed.

Why are munchkin cats dwarf?

Artificial breeding is to be blamed for their appearance. They appear dwarf because of a genetic mutation that occurred during the breeding of cats, and it was carried forward for generations. This is why artificial breeding of domestic animals must be discouraged, as it can cause significant disabilities in them.

Health conditions, risks, and ailments associated with munchkin cats

These cats’ short stature and small size also have a significant bearing and vast impact on their overall quality and quantity of life. Munchkin cats usually live for a shorter duration than bigger adult-sized cats belonging to other breeds.

What are these health risks?

A munchkin cat or a kitten is more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee joints. Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that occurs due to mechanical wear and tear of joints. Since munchkin cats have much smaller and stout legs than other cats, they have a greater pressure load on their joints, which causes significant stress on their joints, bones, and ligaments.

Dwarf cats also tend to be hyperactive in their earlier years as kittens, which increases their joint wear and tear and causes further damage. Munchkin cats also have a significant cardiovascular risk and have a much higher chance of dying from cardiac failure at a young age.

They must not be obese

Munchkin cats already have numerous inherent and natural risk factors owing to their breed. Hence, you must give them a very healthy lifestyle sometimes; out of love, many pet owners are overfeeding their cats. They can be very dangerous for munchkin cats as they quickly lead to obesity and a very high body mass index. This will significantly increase their risk of all health ailments. Hence you must make sure that your munchkin is not obese.

Follow a strict diet regimen

Like humans, cats have to be kept on a healthy diet to avoid obesity and being overweight. Try to prepare meals by yourself for your cat as store-bought tinned cat food has tons of preservatives, and they can cause significant weight gain, especially in munchkin cats because they have a slower metabolism.

Regular vet check-ups

Once you are aware of their health risks, it is important to regularly get them checked by a vet or an animal professional health provider. The vet visits will make sure that your munchkin cats are healthy and are on track. Their vitals will be charted and monitored. You should also make sure that their vaccinations are up to date.

Comb their hair regularly

Munchkin cats usually have thick fur and a hair coat. Hence they often get knots, and their fur gets tangled. This is because their bodies have poor flexibility, and they cannot clean themselves like other adult cats. You must take good care of their hygiene and give them regular baths. You should also comb them regularly and detailed their knots to avoid pain, discomfort, or fur loss.

How to protect them

Kinkalow is also a rare cat breed related to the munchkin cat breed. Since they are much smaller than other adult cats, they are often bullied by other cats, and they may even get picked up on. Hence it is your responsibility as a cat-human to take good care of them and protect them at all costs and under all circumstances.

Avoid letting them out in the wild unsupervised, as that would leave them open and vulnerable to attack by stray animals like stray cats and dogs. Also, put a collar on their necks to avoid them from getting lost. This will allow other people in the neighborhood to recognize them and return them to the house.

Munchkin cats or dwarf cats are very cute, and it can be amazing to have them as pets. Every cat has its responsibility; however, you have to go an extra mile to make sure they live a long healthy life with this breed of cat. It is also a good idea to be prepared that these cats have a shorter life expectancy. This will help you overcome the trauma and grief if they leave you too soon. Indeed having a sick pet is devastating and soul-crushing. We hope you found this article helpful.

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