6 Cat Trees for Apartment Dwellers

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Cat Relaxing on a Cat Tree

Just because you live in an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t treat your kitty to some jungle-like playground fun – all inside your apartment! Read on for the benefits of cat trees and recommendations of the best ones available out there.

Cat trees

Cat trees are like an outlet for your cat to play around with. Putting one in your apartment for your cat is a great idea, as it allows your cat to reap the benefits of a cat tree. Cat trees are sometimes also called cat towers or cat condo trees. These are all different forms of the same thing – basically play toys for cats.

Relieve stress

Is your kitty meowing a lot? Is she not eating food on time or using the litter box properly? This could be a sign she is stressed. The best way to relieve your cat of stress is to buy some cat furniture and place it around your apartment. Your cat can climb up the different heights and play around, relieving any stress she has.

Staying healthy

Playing around with cat trees also ensures your kitty stays healthy. It will keep her mind active and sharp and her muscles strong. It will ensure she gets enough exercise every day, which will help with blood circulation, and she will fall sick less often.

The best cat trees available

The following will state some of the best cat trees that are available.

Frisco Cat Tree

Frisco Cat Tree

This cat tree is from Frisco. It is 20 inches in total, so it provides ample space for your cat to climb and lounge around at the top. It is also made partly from faux fur, so it is incredibly soft and comfortable for your kitty. If your kitty is sensitive to rough materials, this is a great option for you.

It is available in four colors, including ashy grey and cheetah print. The Frisco cat tree allows your kitty to play hunt prey or even sit back and relax. This cat tree even includes two pompoms that your cat will be attracted to play with as they dangle from a height.

Amazon Basics Multi-Level Cat Tree with Scratching Posts

Amazon Basics Multi-Level Cat Tree with Scratching Posts

This cat tree is more like a cat condo because it houses your cat. A space is provided inside its structure that allows the cat to climb inside and rest or sleep. This cat tree also provides a balcony for your cat, so she can choose between sleeping peacefully inside the small room where no one will disturb her or sitting on the top where she can see everything. This cat tree is available online for almost $50.

Petpals Cat Tree

Petpals Cat Tree

This cat tree is from Petpals. It is a very modern and rather chic-looking take on a traditional cat tree. It is called the ‘2 level cat tree’ because it includes two levels or two beds on different heights for your cat to climb and jump on. These beds are very cozy and have cushions, so your cat can choose to play on them or even rest. They would be especially cozy in the winter, where your cat can cuddle up in one of the beds.

Frisco scratching post

Frisco Scratching Post

This scratching post or cat tree is from Frisco. It is shaped like a cactus and is covered in fabric sisal. This is the ideal fabric for scratching posts, as it can be used to sharpen your kitty’s nails without being too harsh and taking them off completely. The cactus toy is just the size of a ruler so that it can be easily put in any nook or corner of your apartment. It is priced at $20.

Frond Cat Tree

Frond Cat Tree

This is a very minimalistic approach to a cat tree. It does have bells, pom-poms, or whistles attached to it, but it has three different levels your cat can climb or jump to. This cat tree will keep your cat active and running for most of the day, which will tire her out, so she can get a good sleep. This cat tree is priced at $300 and can be purchased from the Frond website.

Pawhut Cat Tree

Pawhut Cat Tree

The pawhub cat tree is more like a climbing tower for cats. It features many different levels, so your cat can have a field day jumping on them and down from them. It incorporates tension brackets in the design, which ensures better stability. This is good for your cat.

Even if your cat jumps around rashly or is a bigger cat, this cat tower will not fall or lose its balance, so you don’t need to worry about your kitty getting hurt. This cat tower is also very thin, so it is especially great if you live in a small space. It can be fit anywhere around your apartment and won’t take up too much space. It is available at Amazon.com and is priced at $160.

Cat Tree Tower, Modern Single Branch Cat Condo

Cat Tree Tower, Modern Single Branch Cat Condo

This cat tree is available on Etsy.com. It is priced at $279. The price is a bit high, but it is definitely worth the price! This is the most beautiful cat tree out there. It is made out of wood and has a curved seat at the top, fitted with a plush chair of sorts made out of fur. It is an extremely soft material, ad perfect if your cat wants to lounge around or take a nap. It is supported by one pole but is balanced right, so you can trust that it will not fall, and your kitty is safe and in good hands.


Cat trees or condos are a great way to keep your cat active and healthy. They provide good exercise for your kitty. Cats love playing around with such toys too, so it’ll keep your cat healthy and happy too. It’s a win-win!

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