What To Do if My Cat Is Vomiting?

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Is Your Cat Vomiting?

As a cat owner, seeing your cat vomiting could be worrisome. But, before going into panic mode, it is better to understand what exactly is causing it. A cat vomiting might be due to an illness or any other reason. Thus, finding the cause will certainly help you and your cat.

Just like humans, cats can also get sick, so pet owners must take good care of their cats. Continue reading to get a heads-up on how to take care of your cat if she is vomiting or might be in the future.

Figure Out the Cause

The first step, which is very important, is to figure out what is causing your cat to vomit. But before that, you need to know the difference between vomiting and regurgitation. Vomiting is a forceful ejection of contents from the stomach or upper part of the intestines, which is often accompanied by signs that show your cat is feeling sick. On the other hand, regurgitation is an ejection of contents from the esophagus, which usually happens right after eating.

Be careful when diagnosing your cat by yourself, and make sure you know what you are doing to avoid causing even more harm to your beloved pet. A veterinarian could definitely help you in diagnosing your cat. If it is caused by an illness, the vet will prescribe a medication for your feline companion.

Getting Rid of Hairballs

The most common cause of cat vomiting is hairballs. No matter how hard you try, the hairballs nevertheless make their way to the cat’s throat and digestive system. The best remedy for this is the hairball remedy, and it includes letting the cat digest some canned tuna to make that hairball pass through its system.

If that doesn’t work, you can try rubbing some petroleum jelly on your cat’s paw and then make her lick it clean. It will help the hairball move through the cat’s system and get out most effectively. If your cat is eating or licking petroleum jelly, it does not hurt them in any way, so you don’t have to worry about any other sickness making its way into your cat.

Gray cat self-grooming outdoors

Restrict Food But Not Water

You might also want to make your cat fast for at least 12 hours before feeding them solid food. Keep giving them water, though, as the vomiting might have been caused by dehydration. It is also dangerous not to let them have food for some time, which might result in an illness called hepatic lipidosis.

It is said that this is the best home remedy for cats who frequently vomit without any illness. But the diagnosis done at home might make you overlook the underlying problem causing all the sickness.

Easily Digestible Food

If your cat does not respond well to fasting, gradually let them eat spoonfuls of bland food, which is easily digestible and will help them stay energetic. It is necessary to wait for 3 to 4 hours before the last episode of their vomiting.

Once the vomiting stops, slowly go back to the routine the cat had for their daily meals or opt-in for the one for sensitive tummies. It can help them re-adjust to the routine before they fall sick.

Gray tabby cat eating food from a bowl

Take Them to the Veterinarian

Taking the cat to the vet is obviously the first thing that would pop up in any cat owner’s mind. People who’ve adopted cats know that it is not normal for cats to vomit, and so they also know that going to the vet is the best option.

The veterinarian will check the cat’s vitals and ensure there aren’t any underlying illnesses causing all the vomiting. After finishing the diagnosis, she will start the standard procedure to get the cat healthy again.

Give Them Anti-Vomiting Medication

If the veterinarian has prescribed some antibiotics or any medication, then it is best to let them have it as soon as possible. That medicine might help slow down the illness spreading inside the cat’s body and instantly stop the vomiting. But if the vomiting doesn’t stop and the cat keeps on throwing up, it is best to contact the vet immediately.

The only reason for giving them anti-vomiting medication is to prevent it. It has no side effects, so it’s safe to let them digest it since it won’t cause harm in any way but help them. If the pain still doesn’t stop from the medication, then the doctor might add a pain-killer for your cat’s sake.

A vet and a cat

Get an X-ray or an Ultrasound

The veterinarian will also suggest running an X-ray or even an ultrasound on your cat to find out any disease hidden inside their system. It is normal for the vet to ask for these tests since it is the only way to ensure your cat’s safety.

Taking your feline friend to the vet on time will surely benefit You don’t have to stress about your cat getting severely sick if you take the cat to the vet at the right time.

Final Verdict

If your cat is showing severe symptoms of an illness and is facing abnormal vomiting or even regurgitation, don’t waste a second more before taking her to the vet. Taking your feline friend to the vet on time could help prevent her condition from worsening.