Do Cats Get Jealous?

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Do Cats Get Jealous?

Is your cat showing sudden acts of aggression and blatantly trying to get your attention? It could mean a few things, but the most likely cause is that your cat is jealous of whatever new thing or person has come into your and your cat’s lives.

Jealous cats usually display attention-seeking behavior and become more clingy than usual. In some, they may even try to get back at you by acting out and attempting to destroy items in your house.

While it can be a frustrating time, there are a few things you can do to prevent the cat’s jealous behavior. This article tries to explain and help you understand the key reasons behind your cat jealousy and possessiveness.

Why Do Cats Get Jealous?

New Interests

You might be surprised to know that cats can get jealous for the same reasons humans do. One of the most common is feeling jealous due to being excluded or seeing a drastic change in their environments.

Furthermore, cats may get jealous if you give more attention to other objects such as your phone or work, another person, or an animal. This can especially happen if you used to give that attention to your cat before diverting it at something else.

If you have a new person come over to your house, your jealous cat will not hold back from scratching them and showing who the boss is around the house.


Moreover, suppose your cat did not get enough exposure to other cats as a kitten and had the exposure to socialization. It can make it very dependent on you, so if you show them signs of abandonment even for a short while, it can lead to a jealous cat.

In addition to that, if your cat lacks personal space or belongings, then it can also trigger jealousy if it feels inferior to other pets.

Signs of Cat Jealousy and Possessiveness

Hissing and Growling

The most typical signs of a jealous cat include hissing, growling, and staring at the object or person which they are jealous. For example, if you have a newborn baby, your jealous cat will quickly intrude and attempt to sit in your lap before hissing at the baby.

A cat is scratching fabric sofa

Home Items Destruction

In extreme cases, your jealous cat may become so aggressive that it starts destroying furniture by scratching and biting it.

Furniture items such as couches, curtains, and objects on the tabletop will become a target for your jealous cat.

Territory Marking

Worst case scenario, though, the jealously may become so prominent that they start urinating outside the litter box to prove a point. This can be frustrating as it concerns pet behavior, and it is challenging to clean and get rid of the strong odor.

How to Stop Cats Jealousy

Identify the Reasons

The first step of stopping your cat’s jealous behavior is to identify the root cause of it. Once you have figured that out, you can then take steps to eliminate or lessen the jealousy. Analyze your cat’s signs and what exactly it is related to.

A woman is playing with her lovely cat on Christmas Eve

Spend More Time with Your Cat

The simplest way of decreasing your jealous cat’s moodiness is by giving it more attention and affection, which lets them know that they are still the center of your attention and are beloved. There are a few things you can do;

  • Get a few toys for your cat, and make sure you participate in your cat’s playtime. Interactive toys such as laser pointers and feather wands are the most common and effective for keeping your cat playful and happy.
  • Make sure to greet your cat by petting it whenever you enter your home or wake up from your sleep.
  • Take some time out of your busy schedule to sit down with your cat on the couch and cuddle to provide it with some exclusive attention.
  • If your cat starts behaving recklessly due to a new presence in your place, then try offering your jealous cat some treats to help it calm down. Making the new person feed the treat can be a good way of making your cat comfortable and less jealous.

Give Your Cat the Space It Needs

The majority of cats deeply value their own little personal space. Therefore, if you have taken away their station to accommodate a newcomer, then it is only right that you promptly adjust a new place for your cat.

A ragdoll kitten is hugging its toy

This can include transferring your cat’s toys, food and utensils, and other belongings over to your cat’s new spot. In addition to that, make sure your cat’s new space allows your cat to observe the family and other things.

In other words, your cat likes to have a clear view of everything that goes on from a single spot, so make sure they have that special angle available to them.

Lastly, if your cat’s jealousy and possessiveness stem from the arrival of a new person, then it is ideal to ensure that their belongings are not kept at your cat’s previous spots. It is crucial to avoid your cat destroying those belongings.

Bottom Line

Having a jealous cat can be a frustrating experience as it cannot simply be fixed through a vet visit. However, that is not to say that it is impossible to solve. You can do things to lessen your cat’s jealousy and possessiveness by giving them an equal amount of attention as before.

Things like offering treats, spending more time with them, petting them while occupied with other objects or persons can assure your jealous cat that they are just as included. What is more, you can get the new person to feed your cat at mealtimes and offer treats to establish a similar relationship as it is with you.

And as far as new pets are concerned, you may want to prioritize your cat to avoid it getting aggressively jealous. For example, feeding your cat before the new pet demonstrates the rank of your cat in the household and make prevents jealousy.

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