Foods Your Cat Can And Can’t Eat

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There are certain things that we humans can eat and we can share them with our cats as well. It is highly unlikely that you’ll keep your cat on a hundred percent cat food diet, as it is very expensive. Your cat will munch on your food, and most of it is safe. However, there are many food items that are safe for us but are poisonous for cats and can cause serious health issues once consumed. So, here are ten human-friendly food items that your cat can eat and ten items that your cat should never eat:

Foods your cat can eat


Fish is extremely beneficial for cats. Fishes like salmon and tuna improve your cat’s eyesight, joints and brain. However, you should only serve your cat-cooked fish.


Chicken, beef, mutton and other types of meat can be a great option for your carnivore buddy. However, you should skip ham as it’s high in sodium, which is not good for cats.


Even though cats are carnivores, there are some veggies that it likes. One of such veggies is Spinach. However, Spinach shouldn’t be a part of your cat’s daily diet as it can cause urinary tract problems. Spinach can work as an occasional snack as it is high in vitamins and other nutrients.


Bananas are not only beneficial for children; it is also very beneficial for cats. Banana has fibre in them, so your cat won’t be hungry for quite some time after eating a banana. However, you shouldn’t feed your cat bananas frequently due to their high sugar content.


Cats don’t like veggies in their diet, however, adding some veggies to their diet occasionally can make them healthier. You can serve your cat-cooked carrots. Avoid serving raw carrots as they can cause choking.


It is not a necessary part of your cat’s diet, nor it will harm your cat. Rice can be a nice occasional meal for your cat, especially when your cat is going through digestive issues.


Cat kitten porridge oatmeal breakfast , food art for kids

Oatmeal is high in fibre, protein and iron, which is why it can be great food for your cat, especially when it’s going through weight issues. Oatmeal can benefit your cat’s overall health and can manage its calories without compromising on nutrients. Oatmeal is also great for your cat if it’s suffering from skin problems.

Cooked egg

It is safe to feed your cat cooked egg as it is high in protein. If meat isn’t available, eggs are a great protein substitute for your cat. However, avoid feeding your cat raw egg as it might contain salmonella or E. coli.


Halloween is coming, and you will have a lot of pumpkins at your house to feed your furry buddy. Pureed pumpkin has fibre and nutrients that can help your catfight against various diseases and disorders.


Just like us humans, cats also love berries, and berries are quite beneficial for cats as well. Berries are low in calories and high in antioxidants. It’s a great fruit to share with your feline friend.

Foods your cat can’t eat


You should never feed your cat anything that has even a tiny percentage of alcohol in it. Alcohol drinks and food can cause serious problems in cats, like vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, coma, and even death.


Bread contains yeast, and it can cause gas in your cat’s digestive system. It can even cause stomach bloating and twisting, which can lead to fatality if immediate medical care is not provided. Yeast also produces alcohol as a byproduct and as mentioned previously, it has serious side effects.


You love chocolate, but your cat shouldn’t as chocolate is extremely dangerous for it. Chocolate contains methylxanthines, and this substance is toxic for cats as it causes vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and even fatality. Dark chocolate is the most dangerous, while white chocolate is the least dangerous one for your cat.

Dairy products

Most cats are naturally lactose intolerant, which is why they are unable to process dairy food, including milk, cheese and yogurt. There are many lactose-free alternatives in the market that you can feed your cat.

Citrus Fruits

You should avoid feeding your cat citrus fruits like orange, lemon and lime. The reason behind this is that Citrus Fruits contain clementines, and it causes digestive problems in cats.


Coconut milk can cause various digestive problems in cats. Moreover, coconut water has so much potassium that it’s actually harmful to cats. However, coconut oil can be beneficial for your cat’s skin.

Raw meat

You should never feed your cat raw meat. You might be thinking how raw meat is dangerous for cats as they hunt animals and eat them raw all the time? Well, raw meat can contain Salmonella and E. coli bacteria. These bacteria can cause various digestive problems in cats.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and Raisins are basically poisonous for cats, and there is no scientific explanation regarding why cats react so badly to grapes and raisins. However, grapes and raisins can lead to sudden kidney failure in cats. So keep these fruits far away from your cats.

Salty food

Salty foods are high in sodium, and high sodium content is not good for cats, as it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and even death


Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is normally found in candies and gums. While it’s completely safe for humans, Xylitol is poisonous for cats. Xylitol can lead to vomiting, lethargy, and liver failure in cats.

As a cat owner, it is extremely necessary for you to monitor your cat’s diet and see what human food it’s eating. If your cat has eaten something it shouldn’t eat, you should immediately take it to a vet as delaying such matters can lead to severe diseases and even death.

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