10 Most Common Cat Injuries

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10 Most Common Cat Injuries

We all know that cats are curious by nature and love to explore their environment. Despite having a secretive personality, they want to keep themselves aware of their surroundings. They love to explore the world without experiencing any problems. Due to this reason, their inquisitive nature often leads to injury, and they always end up finding themselves in harmful situations.

Feline animals are more likely to hide their pain than dogs, making it even more difficult for cat owners to identify injuries. As cat parents, it is best to be aware of all the hazardous household items so you can take precautions earlier to protect your furry companion.

Below are the ten most common cat injuries that your feline friend may experience. It is worth noticing that extra care and keeping your cat safe at home may help reduce many of the following risks.

1. Ripped Nail

A ripped nail is one the most common cat injuries. Your cat can experience broken or ripped nails when she leaps or jumps from one place to another or tries to scratch specific fabric or materials.

This can be very painful for your cat, so look for signs of limping or bleeding. If any part of your cat’s nail is bleeding and is not stopping, you will want to contact your veterinarian.

2. Foreign Object Ingestion

Cats are more likely to be careful than dogs when keeping something in their mouth. But while playing with toys or eating food with bones, cats sometimes stuck those things in their throat. If you suspect something is lodged in your cat’s throat, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible, even if she is breathing normally, because any foreign objects can cause internal damage.

Also, if your cat ingests a foreign object, you should take her to the professionals because they will know how to help a cat pass a foreign object.

3. Poisoning or Plant Toxicity

It is not uncommon for cats to indulge in something they shouldn’t be. Be careful if you drop any toxic food on the floor or leave them on the table. Keep all the dangerous substances out of the reach of your cats, such as liquids or chemical substances. Moreover, cats love to chew plant stems; while some plants or herbs are beneficial for her, others are highly toxic.

4. Heat Stroke

Have you ever wondered, “can cats get heat stroke?” You may not believe it, but cats can overheat quickly. Like dogs, cats also regulate their body temperature by panting. If your cat spends most of her time outdoors during summers, then be sure to provide her with plenty of water to keep her hydrated.

Consider keeping her inside when humidity and temperature spike. Symptoms of cat heat stroke include excessive panting, lethargy, collapsing, pacing, or drooling. You need to visit a vet immediately to avoid any life-threatening organ damage to your cat.

Panting cat outdoors in hot summer

5. Eye Problem

Running or walking through branches or fighting with other animals frequently scratches the cat’s eyes. It is common for cats to suffer from eye problems despite knowing to keep their heads away during such situations.

Now, you might be wondering, “can a cat eye injury heal on its own?” Even if there is a mild injury around or inside your cat’s eyes, you will still need to take your cat to the vet, as minor scratches lead to infection. In addition, cats are more prone to eye problems such as cataracts, conjunctivitis, and retinal diseases.

6. Insect Sting

Another common cat injuries that comes along with bushes and plants are insect stings. Your kitty is quite sensitive to stings, and you can see clear signs of discomfort if stung. It can be helpful for you to understand your cat’s behavior when in pain, such as keeping her muscles tense or keeping her body low to the ground.

7. Tail Pull Injury

Your cat can get tail injury through being pulled, such as getting tail stuck during a catfight, door slams, car accidents, or when a person pulls her tail accidentally. Your cat may not show any external sign of tail injury, but don’t forget that these injuries can cause nerve damage, tail fracture, or other fractures such as hind legs, pelvis, or other parts of the spine.

If you see your cat dragging her tail, having a swollen tail, having difficulty walking, or dribbling urine, you need an immediate vet assessment, including radiographs.

8. Muscle or Joint Injury

“How far can a cat fall without injury?” Does this question ever pop into your mind? Even though cats are excellent jumpers, they can take themselves too far. While jumping from great heights, there is always a risk of ligament or fractures.

If your cat is suffering from any muscle or bone injury, you need to determine the cause of the problems. For a closer look and best advice, it would be best to take your injured cat to the veterinarian.

A woman is petting her injured cat

9. Tooth Fractures

Cat tooth fractures or issues occur from biting something too hard or fighting with other animals. Generally, cats are vulnerable to periodontal disease, so it will be good to check your cat’s mouth for tooth fractures, tumors, bleeding gums, or lesions. Cats with mouth injuries are reluctant to eat, drink or groom. Some broken teeth can be repaired quickly, while some need extraction treatment.

10. Motor Vehicle Accidents

Indoor cats who are not fully trained with the outside world are more likely to be involved in accidents. Some pet owners think that problems lie only within urban areas, but cats living in rural areas are more prone to motor vehicle accidents. These accidents can cause multiple injuries to your cat, such as head injury, fracture, bleeding, internal organ damage, shock, trauma, or severe soft tissue injuries.

Cats with abdominal or spinal injuries risk death, but these injuries are not immediately prevalent. If your cat is hit by a car, you must seek vet treatment because the internal injuries often appear like an uninjured cat.

Wrapping Up

Cat injuries often result due to their energetic and inquisitive nature. While being careful about what you feed your pet and what objects you have in the house, you can reduce the chances of any of the above injuries.

However, by learning the most common cat injuries and their causes, you can determine your cat’s problems, whether she is in pain or needs your help.

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