What Do I Need to Know about My Cat’s Sudden Biting

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What Do I Need to Know about My Cat’s Sudden Biting

Let us be honest. Having pets can be tricky, and they can even test our patience occasionally. This especially happens when you notice all those scratches and bites your cat left while playing with you. And of course, if it is in a bad mood, be it because of a fight with the neighborhood dog or getting annoyed by the stray cat, they can use you to blow off their stream. 

Naturally, a cat bite is not only scary but can also be extremely painful. Bleeding, infection and trauma can be daunting. No one wants to run frantically to the hospital every time they have been bitten by their cat. So in order to save yourself from all the false alarms, do read this article till the very end. It is always good to be well-informed before the incident takes place.

Your cat’s sudden biting could also be a way of it communicating something to you. It could be a sign of something more serious, something that is not evident at first glance. Let us explore all the reasons why your cat bit you.

It could be in pain

Cats are very good at hiding their pain and injuries. This makes it challenging for cat parents to know if their cat is healthy or not, especially if they have busy work schedules. They have to be very vigilant in looking out for signs of any distress or simply anything unusual. If your cat is suddenly biting you, and that is out of character for it, it is a good idea to get a thorough evaluation by its vet. What is missed by a lay person’s eye is easily caught by the expert!

It is being bothered

Cats are not only cute animals but can also be amazing furry friends. It is natural for young children, toddlers, and infants to be attracted to them. Kids are as innocent as one can be and are not very sophisticated in expressing their adoration and fondness for someone.

The same applies to their fascination with household pets, including cats. They might run after them, grab their tails, pull their fur, and cause them pain. If your cat is being bothered by children in the house, it may react by ‘cat bite’ It is important to teach kids how to interact with cats from an early age.

It just needs to be pet more

Biting can also be a means for your cat to communicate with you in the manner that is the most suitable for them. If they are full of energy and in a playful mood, they might attempt to play with you, meanwhile inflicting you with scratches across your arms. Some people may also say that their cats are a bit more aggressive and that my cat bites me more frequently. However, these bites are also known as love nips and are usually harmless. Just spend more time with your cat and pet them for a bit longer.

It needs a break

One moment, your cat might be playing with you or sitting calmly on the couch while you are stroking it, and the next minute you realize my cat bit me. This can be simply because of overstimulation from all the playing and petting. Cats give very subtle signs that they are getting overstimulated and need a break. It is important for you to take notice of those signs and leave it alone for some time to avoid a cat bite.

Your kitten is still developing

Like humans, a cat’s brain also matures with time as they grow. Kittens are playful, cute, and full of energy. However, that comes with a price. Kittens are much more likely to bite you while playing with you than adult cats. Kittens are still exploring the world around them and have a habit of putting everything in their mouth.

While a kitten’s teeth are smaller and their bites are usually benign, but it is important not to let bad habits continue. Retraining an adult cat is much harder than training a kitten. Hence discourage your kitten from biting you, even during playtime.

It wants to tell you who the boss is

Cat lovers know that they are territorial animals and can even have a hint of arrogance in their demeanor. If you adopt an adult cat, you may encounter this problem. When an adult cat is introduced to new surroundings, they want to be the dominant one. Cat bite is a way to show their aggression and have the upper hand on their human. It is important to make them feel at home and comfortable.

Your adopted cat might be a stray cat

If you adopted your cat from a shelter or took in a stray cat, the initial days can be challenging. Due to the adverse environment in their early years and at times hostile attitude from other humans, cat bite becomes a defense mechanism for them. With a new home, they need time to adjust and feel safe.

The poor thing is scared

Sometimes cats bite because they are fearful that they are in an environment or surroundings from which they cannot escape. If they feel trapped, their survival instinct turns on, and they might bite you in an attempt to get free or find a way out. This especially happens with newly adopted cats who still do not trust their humans. Give them time to adjust and use the word ‘NO’ to discourage their biting behavior.

We hope this article helped answer some questions you had about why your cat is suddenly biting you. It can be irritating and frustrating but rest assured, this is a completely natural instinct for them, and it does not mean that you are doing something wrong.

A few changes, self-reflection, and introspection can take you a long way and will resolve the problem. The key principle is to have patience and not try to rush the process of training them. And yes, have them vaccinated to protect you and your family from any deadly infection!

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