Do Cats Like Snow?

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Do Cats Like Snow?

If this is your first time spending cold weather with your cats, make sure you know about the measures you must take to save them from the cold. However, many cat parents tend to ask, do cats like snow? It is important to know if there are snow lover cats or whether some cats don’t like snow at all, depending on their type.

Cats and Snow

Do cats like snow? This mainly depends on the cats and the type of breed. Most adult cats might be driven by their curiosity to experience the snow, and playing with it might be something they find fun.

However, many other might decide that snow is not their cup of tea, as it might not be comforting for them, or they might freak out by the texture of the snow. It is extremely important not to enforce your idea of snow onto your cats, as they might freak out every time you take them for a walk.

Conditions in Which Cats Should Be Kept Safe from the Snow

Ensure you get your cats checked and examined by the vet before taking them out into the snow. If one of your cats is diagnosed with arthritis or any other injury is identified, you can take this precautionary measure.

Cats shouldn’t be exposed to many colds, especially if they face joint issues. This can lead to hypothermia or progress the arthritis condition even more.

Fluffy cat sitting on snow

How to Find Out if Your Cats Like Snow?

One of the main ways to find out if your cats like snow or not is by taking them outside. However, it is crucial to observe your cat’s every move when it is outside to understand if your cat is hesitant to go any further or not. If it is snowing a little heavily, make sure you don’t let your cats out for a while.

Waiting a few minutes until the snowfall isn’t heavy is the safer option. Then, when you let the cats out, make sure you stay with them for a few minutes and check them out while they investigate everything near them. If you observe their behavior closely, the comfort, playfulness, or discomfort will be shown to you.

Four Cautions for Snow Lover Cats in the Cold Weather

Cats suffer many injuries and illnesses when the temperature falls below the freezing point. This is because they become more exposed to chronic diseases during the cold, especially the kitties and the senior cats.

Here are a few tips to make sure your cats with such diseases aren’t vulnerable to hypothermia due to the low temperature:

  • Make sure you never leave the cats alone in a cat, especially on a cold day. Leaving them alone in a closed space with a low temperature exposes them to hypothermia, which can be more deadly than a heat stroke.
  • Make sure you check or bang on the hood of your car before starting because, in the cold, your cats might decide to crawl under the car hoods to keep themselves warm.
  • Ensure you keep your cats away from the open flames of fireplaces, especially if it is fond of the heat during the winters. Don’t let your cats’ curiosity get the best of them.
  • Make sure you wipe off the paws and their fur coat after taking your cats out for a walk in the snow.
Active cat walking in snow

Make Sure Your Cats Are Safe During the winters

You can ensure your cat’s safety during the cold temperature by taking all the necessary precautions as a pet parent

  • Make sure you provide a suitable outdoor shelter for your cat. If your cats have trouble getting inside the house, this shelter will help them when the temperature is low, especially if they aren’t fond of the snow.
  • Another way you can take care of your cats during the winters is to increase their calorie intake. Due to the cold weather, you need to provide your cat with more food as the cat’s body tends to consume more energy than usual during the winters.

Keeping Your Cats Safe and Warm Indoors

This is important, especially if your cat doesn’t like staying outside a lot. Make sure your cats have a proper heated place to stay.

  • Get a heated cat bed for your cats. The cold weather tends to worsen or even cause arthritis symptoms in cats which can progress more over the cold. To ensure your cat doesn’t feel discomfort, invest in a heated cat bed.
  • Make sure your cat maintains a safe distance from the heat sources. It is important to keep your cats warm, but it is more important to make sure they don’t catch fire when you’re not around. Hence, make sure you do not leave your cats alone at a place with heaters and wood-burning stoves.
A ginger cat sitting in the snow

Holidays Travel for You and Your Cats

If you are traveling for the holidays with your cats, make sure you plan everything according to how they react to the weather. If there is a chance of snowfall, make sure you have taken all precautions just in case some don’t like snow. The rest are fond of snow can probably keep them busy playing in the snow.

Make sure you find the special requirements and double-check with the places you’re staying at, as the cats would need their heated beds if it’s snowing and cold. Moreover, make sure you have a pet carrier and something to cover it if you plan to take them on a stroll and save them from the snow.


Conclusively, make sure your cats aren’t diagnosed with any disease which can worsen with cold and snow. Many cats might like snow and play in it; however, some might despise it. It is essential to identify what they feel about snow before taking them out in it. To avoid hypothermia, keep them warm and safe after playing in the snow.

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