Itchy Cat: Is It an Allergy?

An itchy cat can feel highly uncomfortable. To find comfort, she excessively scratches, bites, and claws the problematic places until her hair falls out and her skin turns sore. When…

Cleaning Cat Ears: What You Should Know

Most cats are experts at keeping their ears clean, but if your cat friend is susceptible to persistent ear ailments, you’ll most likely need to intervene. Learn how to identify…

Is My Cat Happy To See Me?

As a worried cat owner, you may have wondered if your cat is happy being with you. Cats find satisfaction, protection, and contentment in human interactions. Since each cat is…

Top 10 Most Playful Cat Breeds

In this modern generation, people tend to adopt cats according to their characteristics and traits. Some opt for a calm cat that doesn’t like moving around much, while others love…

Cats vs. Kittens: The Differences

Talking about cats vs. kittens, apart from their age differences, they also show significant differences in personality and behavior. Although, both are adored and loved by human beings for their…

Are Cats Color Blind?

Have you ever thought about how things would be if you were a cat? How do cats survive, and how do their bodies function? What do they think? How do…

Why Do Cats Need Meat in Their Diets?

Unlike dogs, cats’ digestive system has not evolved to accept starchy carbs in their diet. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they must eat meat to survive, and their digestive systems…

10 Most Common Cat Injuries

We all know that cats are curious by nature and love to explore their environment. Despite having a secretive personality, they want to keep themselves aware of their surroundings. They…