Is Chocolate Bad for Cats?

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Is Chocolate Bad for Cats?

It is a well-known fact that chocolates are toxic to our feline friends, but did you know that it is not just wrong but can be worse for cats to get into chocolates? Cats are not likely to ingest chocolate because they cannot taste sweet things, but the toxicity is severe when they do.

So, if you are wondering how chocolates can be bad for your fur baby, read this article. Here is everything you need to know about why chocolates are toxic to cats and what to do if your cat eats chocolate.

Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

No, you should not give chocolates to our cat. Cats are less likely to steal chocolates from under your nose, but still, they are bad for cats, just like dogs. Chocolate bars or wrappers are not appealing to cats, but milk-based chocolate drinks can put our felines at risk!

Why Is Chocolate Not Safe for Cats to Eat?

Cats like their daily eating routine, and they trust less on new food items that you give in front of them, but still, it doesn’t mean that they will not attempt to get into chocolate. And if they do, the dangers are real. Chocolate contains some life-threatening toxic substances for cats, such as methylxanthines, especially caffeine and theobromine. If these substances are ingested, the gastrointestinal tract absorbs them and distributes them throughout the entire body, leading cats to central nervous system dysfunction, heart problems, and even death.

Heap of chocolate bars

Symptoms of Chocolate Poisoning in Cats

After your cat eats chocolate, the severity of the symptoms depends on how much and what type of chocolate she has ingested. Milk chocolates commonly found in the home have a low potential for toxicity. In contrast, baker’s chocolates contain a high risk of toxicity because of the high concentration of theobromine and caffeine.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Rapid breathing
  • Elevated temperature
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Increased reflex response
  • Seizures
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Coma

Some other symptoms are hard to identify for cat owners, such as rapid heartbeat and low blood pressure. Only your vet can discover these symptoms.

Woman playing with her cat while holding a cup of chocolate

Chocolate Poisoning Diagnosis and Treatment

If your cat risks chocolate poisoning, then your vet may recommend you to induce vomiting before examining your cat. You will need to give your cat one or two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide as it will make her vomit up the content of her stomach. So, if your cat has ingested any chocolate or consumed a wrapper, this may help you get rid of it. Getting your cat to take hydrogen peroxide can be difficult, especially if you don’t have a syringe. Therefore, it is recommended that you immediately bring your cat to the animal hospital.

At the veterinarian clinic, your vet will do fluid therapy for your cat to keep her hydrated. Also, urine or blood tests may be performed.

The vet will also perform ECG for looking at abnormal rhythms of the cat’s heart. Chocolate poisoning symptoms will be treated, and a bland diet will be recommended for the next few weeks. If your cat doesn’t receive the treatment promptly after ingesting chocolate, death may occur to her because of ingesting enough theobromine.

Cat looking at donuts with chocolate icing

Toxic Foods

Some other favorites can harm a cat when ingested. Even if your pet cat doesn’t seem interested in your favorite food, it is necessary to never leave her alone with food she can access.

Following are some foods that are unhealthy and toxic for cats.

  • Grapes and raisins
  • Alcohol
  • Onions, garlic, leeks
  • Avocado
  • Raw dough
  • Raw meat and bones
  • Uncooked eggs
  • Milk

Healthier Food For Your Cat

It is not a good idea to indulge your cat in your favorite food choices; you can give them a small number of proper foods.

Try the following:

  • Diced, cooked chicken or turkey
  • Berries
  • A small amount of tuna
  • Unseasoned rice
  • Green beans
  • Carrots
  • Bananas
  • Catnip or broth is frozen into an ice cube
Gray tabby cat eating food from a bowl

How to Prevent Chocolate Toxicity in Cats

It would be best to avoid ingestion of toxic substances in your cat.

Keep all your chocolates in cabinets or cat-proof containers, as doors or heights rarely deter cats. Don’t leave baking supplies or baked items unattended on the counter; while baking, keep your cat out of the kitchen; don’t allow her to come in.

Healthier Alternatives to Chocolate for Cats

Even if your cat develops a taste for chocolate and develops a tolerance for it, you should never give it to her as a treat. Instead, look for healthy cat snacks that are mainly made to appeal to your feline’s senses that also provide health advantages. Choose delicious snacks that contain nutrients that will help your cat’s nutrition and dental health.

It’s important to remember that taking care of cats is more than offering tasty food and treats. In their perspective, showing them love and affection is just as good as giving them a tasty reward.

Wrapping Up

Pet owners like to give rewards to their cats, and you can also do this by sticking to the cat treats specially created to keep feline friends happy and healthy.

Keep all the chocolates to yourself and avoid giving them to your cats because you are now aware of how many toxic substances chocolate contains.

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