Can A Kitten Eat Adult Cat Food?

A kitten’s growth and development need a balanced and proper nourished diet. Once adulthood is reached, your beloved kitten can start consuming adult cat food. However, it is important to…

Special Birthday Cake for Your Cat

Most cat parents are aware of the importance of a cat’s birthday. It is essential to make your cat feel loved and give it attention, as cats always love attention,…

Can Cats Eat Tuna?

It is no secret that cats love the smell and taste of tuna and will come running out of nowhere upon hearing a can of tuna getting opened. It is…

Can I Give My Cat Gravy?

As cat parents, we often get intrigued by the random foods that our feline friend is attracted to. Therefore, we feel obliged to keep our cats happy by providing the…

How Long Can I Leave Cat Food Out?

When it comes to cats, their eating habits change constantly. Some cats may prefer to eat cat food every two hours with playing breaks in between, while some felines may…

Is Banana Bad For Cat?

Do you often wonder what strange foods your cat can and cannot eat? We all know that cats like meat, but what about other things humans usually eat, such as…